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What maintenance is required to be done to my electric scooter?

August 5, 2023

3 minutes

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Other than taking proper care of the battery and keeping adequate pressure in the tires (unless your scooter has solid tires), there’s little maintenance required. This doesn’t mean there’s NO maintenance required however. What you need to do is not difficult but if you’re in no way mechanically inclined, we would suggest taking your electric scooter to a service technician.

We recommend performing maintenance on your scooter every 3-6 months, depending on how often you ride it.


Brushless motors like those used in Teverun scooters require little maintenance in general but dust and dirt still accumulates inside the motor and requires a disassembly to clean out the dust and dirt. We typically do not use any cleaning solution or degreaser to clean out the internals of the motor. A brush and compressed air is sufficient.


Most electric scooter tires need to be changed after 1-2 years or roughly 1500km. Unlike car tires, which can last for 50,000km or more, electric scooter tires are not as durable given their small size.

When tires wear out, 2 things come into play. Safety is a concern as tire grip will be compromised. A worn tire thread will not be able to go through wet roads as well as a properly treaded tire.

When tires wear thin, the risk of punctures will be higher too, as sharp stones can easily pierce through the thin walls.

To prolong the life of your tires, always inflate to recommended pressure and NOT the maximum tire pressure printed on the tire.


If your electric scooter has disc brakes you need to check the brake pads for wear. If the pad material looks like it is almost gone, it’s time for new brake pads. It is a good idea to check the brake pads when the scooter is new—that way you have a reference for how much pad material they have to begin with (it’s is usually a couple millimeters).


Over time, the bearings on the front and rear wheel need to be serviced or cleaned out due to the accumulation of dirt and dust. Remove the dirt and grease with a cleaning solvent. Dry it out and then spray grease into the bearing. We recommend a silicone-based lubricant like Jig-a-Loo, or any lubricant that contains PTFE (do not use WD-40 as a lubricant. WD-40 is a penetrating fluid, it is not a lubricant).

Spray a small amount into the wheel bearings on the front and rear wheels. Wipe off any excess you can from the wheels. If your scooter has disc brakes, take care not to spray any on the brake rotors. This will contaminate the brake pads and rotor surface.

Check and Tighten All Screws

Maintenance time is a good time to tighten any screws that may have come loose. Actually, this is a good thing to do on a frequent basis (monthly is good). It doesn’t take long to do. Any that are loose deserve a new application of Loc-tite.


Water and electricity don’t mix, so you can’t clean your scooter like you would a car. Instead of hosing it down, use a damp rag and water to carefully wipe dust and dirt from the bike. Compressed air canisters are great for cleaning out tight spaces. Stubborn areas of grime or stuck-on insects can be cleaned with an all-purpose cleaner applied to a cloth to wipe it away. The goal is to get the scooter clean without using excess water, taking care to keep moisture away from sensitive electronics and batteries.